I've just been trying to get my head around something this morning. With the recent events in Libya playing out, I've noticed an awful lot of comments concerning the president and anti-war statements. "Why don't the Dems scream their heads off about this President?" and "Where is the army of homeless folk protesting when there's a Dem president in office? Are they suddenly not homeless?" Good questions to be sure, but that's not what I'm trying to come to terms with here.
Does anyone really believe that there is a difference, deep down, between any political or social group? World peace? What is the precedence? Christians say there can't be world peace until after Jesus returns. When folks talk of peace, the shit will hit the fan in 'biblical' proportions. A Christian, by protesting for world peace is really asking for Armageddon to happen which in a sick and twisted way is the complete opposite of world peace. Eastern philosophy seeks to find the peace within the individual, which brings up its own questions. Most philosophical views of thought arise in protest of some sort of perceived conflict. Buddhism, Marxism and Christianity are witness to this.
I put this statement out there: Human nature causes the author of a particular school of philosophical thought to become upset and slave over his/her particular utopian answer to the problems of man. Most philosophies look cool on paper but have yet to work in the real world. Instead of worrying about implementing world peace, wouldn't it be better to work on implementing 'personal' peace?
Here's my point. Finally. It isn't human nature to get along. Somebody will always be in charge and a whole bunch of folks will never be. Just the way it is. We can brag about how we are created in God's image or divine in nature or just 'reasoning' creatures, but it may just come down to evolutionary biology. We are pack animals. It's how we made it this far. One of us has been imposing his will on the rest of us since we first started throwing shit at each other in the big prehistoric monkey exhibit known as human history. War just boils down to imposing my will on you with a big stick. It really isn't much different from an argument and usually just as non-conclusive. There will always be someone who is uncomfortable with any given current set of life circumstances and will set out to change them. Recorded history shows know other reality. Man, they found Neanderthals that appear to have died with the aid of their fellow cavemen. What on earth makes someone think they can suddenly impose peace on human nature? Crazy.
If you want to be different, work on creating peace within yourself. If you are trying to impose it on your neighbor you have just negated the very peace that you were trying to enact. I can be a source of peace but not the source of peace. I guess this still doesn't answer the question "Why do folks insist on thinking human nature is suddenly going to change because they have hand-crafted a cool sign sporting a witty slogan?"
Perhaps all of the philosophy we have indulged in over the centuries has put us so at odds with our natural state that the only way to achieve any sort of comfort within ourselves is to impotently rage at an imaginary foe whose defeat we believe will cause rainbows and sunshine to spontaneously erupt from our more murderous brethrens assholes? I don't know, that event is probably a long shot given our history. What's wrong with embracing our humanity exactly as it is? Why not concern ourselves with only ourselves? This might be a much more fruitful past-time than pissing into the wind.
Try to add this to your self-affirmations.
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